Let’s Talk About Snacks, Baby!

They have the power to provide more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your diet. They can give you a little extra umph in the middle of the day or offer a boost before or after a workout. How can we make the most of what we’re putting into our bodies? When it comes to snacking, sometimes it’s hard to know when to eat or even what to eat. Life gets busy, but fueling your body doesn’t have to be complicated. If you need tips on fueling your day, we’ve got your back. 😉


  • Listen to your body. If you feel hungry, EAT. 


This one is my favorite. There’s a big focus placed on eating 3 meals a day with snacks in between. You’ve learned it. I’ve learned it. It’s the traditional way to do things. But, here’s the thing, everyone’s body is different. Everyone fuels in different ways. Maybe some days you eat breakfast and an hour later your stomach is growling. Hunger cues are a result of the endocrine system and the digestive system interacting with the brain, saying we’re not satisfied here. Don’t ignore hunger cues: tired, cranky, lack of concentration, empty belly. It’s your body telling you that it needs something.


  • Use snacks as a way to fill up on nutrients.


Rather than viewing snack time as an “in between” time where you can splurge or just grab what’s easily accessible or convenient, think of it as a supplement. What can you eat that will fuel your body in the best way? If you didn’t have a veggie with your breakfast, have one for a snack. Grab some baby carrots, snap peas, baby bell peppers and dip them in your favorite flavor of hummus. Make a piece of avocado toast.

Snacking Side Notes:

  • I’m not here to tell you that you need to cut out meat, gluten, dairy, or complex starchy carbs.
  • Be mindful of eliminating food groups from your diet. Educate yourself using reliable sources. It might work for someone else, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. 
  • No matter what you’re consuming, eat local and seasonal when you can. You can find tips about that here: https://www.thepilatesbarrestudio.com/3-reasons-to-eat-seasonally/
  • Limit your intake of processed foods. 
  • Be aware of sugar content if you’re having yogurt, granola, granola bars, smoothies, etc. When it comes to those things, I try to keep the sugar under 6g per item.
  • Oh, Nuts! Take a look at the serving size of your nuts and make sure you’re buying them raw. When they’re roasted, there’s usually oil added. 

As I mentioned before, listen to your body. It will tell you exactly what you need to know.


  • Use your meals as a guide for your snack choice. 


Reference what you’ve eaten in your previous meal that day and have an idea of what you might eat for your next meal. Think big picture. For all of my fellow one-step-at-a-time, detail-focused friends out there, I know this might be challenging at first. Whenever I eat breakfast in the morning, I create a mental picture of what I might eat for the whole day. It doesn’t have to be specific or exact. Just a rough draft. 


Breakfast: Oatmeal with granola, cinnamon, peanut butter, flax seeds, and blueberries

Lunch: Black bean burrito with salsa and avocado

Dinner: Spinach and Kale salad with golden beets, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, quinoa, and pumpkin seeds


  • Because I didn’t have a veggie for breakfast, I could make a green smoothie with spinach, kale, avocado, etc.
  • Maybe I took a barre class or did yoga in the morning, so I’d have a boiled egg to increase my protein + half a grapefruit.
  • If I’m on the go, I might grab some sort of bar or a few power bites to keep me full.

Here are a few extra snack ideas: 

– Peanut Butter + Apple/Banana

– Hummus + Snap Peas

– Hummus + Carrots 

– Celery + Peanut Butter

– Power Bites (See video posted for one of our favorite recipes at the Pilates Barre Studio)

– Nuts(almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, etc.) + Grapes

-Half an Avocado on Toast, garnish with Tomatoes, Turmeric Powder, Orange Slices, etc. 

-Boiled Egg + Fruit of Choice

-Rice Cake + Peanut Butter/Almond Butter/Cashew Butter

-Yogurt (regular/almond/cashew/oat) + Granola 

-Tortilla Chips + Guacamole or Salsa 


Stay Healthy and Happy. 




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January Client of the Month, Betsy Butler!

January Client of the Month, Betsy Butler!

Congratulations to the amazing Betsy Butler! She is our January client of the month and has been working so hard!

When I was trying to convince my husband to let me quit my teaching job, all I could say is, “I just feel like I am supposed to be doing something bigger.”  That was the only way I knew how to articulate the fact that I loved movement, fitness, and Pilates, and that I wanted to create a community of like minded individuals who would become friends, shoulders to lean on, and people I could call up to help hold me accountable. 

After three years, the studio has become more than I could imagine. The friendships and people that I get to hang out with are exactly what I needed! For the year 2020, we are going to spotlight these wonderful people each month and Betsy Butler is one of those people!  She is our first client spotlight of the year and I couldn’t be more excited to highlight this beauty!  

When Betsy started, she was struggling to fit exercise in with her busy life as a working mother.  She was trying to piece together workouts from Pinterest fitting them in whenever and wherever she could. Since starting at the studio, she said that she has been more present, has a better mind-body connection, and she feels strong and confident!! The membership style helps her to stay accountable and focused in her workouts.  

After classes, she feels energized and has loved the changes she has seen in her body! She said it is more than a workout, it is a balance and confidence in life!

It has been a joy to watch her get stronger, more confident and make healthy changes in her life! I am glad to call this beauty a friend! Thank you Betsy for being authentically you! Thank you to Blow it out on Main for the complimentary Blow out for our amazing client, Betsy!

In Strength and Confidence,


3 Reasons to Eat Seasonally

3 Reasons to Eat Seasonally

Seasonal Eating is simply like it sounds- eating with the seasons. Living in the midwest, it is a little bit harder to eat strictly with the season because of our cold winters, but now is a really great time to get in the habit of being mindful of where your food is coming from and learning which foods grow best in certain seasons. 


  • Higher Nutritional Quality + Better Taste


The taste of tomatoes in the summertime from your garden or the farmers market versus the tomatoes from the grocery store in the winter months… It’s a world of difference! Taste and nutritional quality go hand in hand- produce that is growing in its season is much more nutrient dense. There is typically a rotation implemented by the farmers for each of their crops to keep the soil at its best to create an environment that allows produce to flourish and soak up all of the essential nutrients. When produce is out of season and still grown, it is not able to follow natural growing and ripening patterns. Some farmers may use extra chemicals to speed of the process so it can be shipped to grocery stores to be purchased. Your taste buds and your bodies will thank you for eating seasonally! 



  • It’s Cost Effective


In season produce is cheaper, you guys! Have you noticed how the price of berries skyrockets during the winter months? That’s because it takes more work and energy to grow those berries and have them (most likely) imported to the grocery store in your area! 



  • It’s Better for the Environment


The list below is seasonal produce in the United States in January and February, which means while the produce has to travel to get here, it isn’t being shipped from other countries. That decreases the amount of travel time and less fuel emissions going into the environment. Farmers also do not have to preserve the vegetables as much for travel time which also helps the environment. 



Collard greens








Sweet Potatoes


Winter Squash


  • Check the labels on your produce- try buying produce grown in the United States
  • Shop at the local farmers markets during the spring and summer months
  • Don’t be afraid to branch out and try new recipes with your seasonal produce!



Harley’s Blog: http://www.allthosehwords.com/blog/

In Strength and Confidence,


The Pilates Barre Studio