Self Care is not Selfish

Self Care is not Selfish

Where do YOU fall on the list of your top 10 priorities? When was the last time you stopped to think about that?

If you’re thinking, “Oof, that’s a heavy one.” You are not alone, sister. 

I remember preparing for my last weekend of yoga teacher training two years ago. Through the training, I had overcome so much fear. Fear of being seen and heard, fear of saying the wrong thing, and fear of not having it all together. I was staying in an AirBnB in Nashville and got into town a little early the night before to treat myself by going to Whole Foods and Lululemon. A wild Friday night, to say the least! Whole Foods is my happy place, which is arguably a dangerous thing when you’re a girl on a budget.

Anywho! I had to return a jacket to Lulu that was damaged. I had the choice to have this jacket repaired or receive a store credit. I chose the store credit and started to browse. As I was walking around, I spotted a pair of Hot Pink Align leggings. Hot pink is not a color you can easily find in my closet, so it was a bit risky in my book. I remember thinking, they’re bright and bold. At that moment I knew I needed them. Those were the exact qualities I wanted to carry with me through my last weekend of training. I’m not sure if you’ve ever owned a pair of Aligns, but they lift in all the right areas and I don’t want to speak for you, but they kind of make me want to take on the world.

To this day, I still grab those leggings when I need to carry a little extra courage and spunk with me.


Have you heard the saying, “look good, feel good?” It holds true. Do you have that sporty cute outfit that brings out an extra boost of confidence when you need it most or when you’re ready to crush your workout? If not, maybe it’s time to invest in one, to invest in yourself. 

I was listening to a podcast that featured Oprah today and she insists on making yourself your number one priority. She says, “Not in a selfish way, but with self awareness, enough awareness that allows you to, “honor the vessel, the vehicle that is your body, that is your way on earth. There’s nothing more important.” Doing the things that make your cup full gives you the opportunity to make your cup overflow so much that it flows into other people. You can only do that at your best, when you’re coming from a place of wholeness.

Maybe this means a spontaneous purchase of an outfit that you know will make you feel good or going to sleep an hour earlier, or taking an exercise class that might push you outside of your comfort zone. Do it. Buy the hot pink leggings. I promise you won’t regret it.

In Strength and ALL of the Confidence, 


3 Reasons to Take a Virtual Class

3 Reasons to Take a Virtual Class

In a time when we are required to keep ourselves distanced from others and do many things from home we didn’t use to, there is always a silver lining! Attitude and mind set are key during these uncertain times, so when we can’t pulse and lunge our stresses away together, it’s better to reflect and find the positives!

For us, virtual fitness classes now go beyond just a workout. As we continue to navigate shut downs, uncertainty, and busy schedules (surprisingly!), these ZOOM classes are now a way to connect, unplug and feel “social” again! We understand that need to show up and workout – together.  Below are our top 3 reasons to take a virtual class!

Top 3 Reasons to Take a Virtual Class!

  1. The value of connection – whether you are someone who is used to a group class, or a “I have to go to the gym/studio/meet a friend” person, you are used to showing up with people! Working out with others helps us to build relationships through the struggle, push yourself further, and keeps our minds as healthy as our bodies.  The connection with out clients is currently our lifeline.  It brings JOY and PURPOSE back to what we do!
  2. Keeping the crazy down – When I am feeling out of control, stressed and anxious, a good workout calms my mind, eases the tightness in my chest and allows me to reset my mood!  It is the Olaf effect, “We’re calling this controlling what we can when things feel out of control.”  This not only happens on an emotional level, but a chemical level in the body!
  3. Self Care – Each week, the scheduled virtual appointments hold me accountable.  Again, this goes beyond a workout and trying to change my body, but it allows me to hit the pause button and focus on myself for that hour of the day.  This may sound selfish, but I can tell you, I am a much more patient mother when I can take that time to focus inward and relieve stress.  I know we have all heard of the water in the vase analogy – “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first!”.

While we realize there are a lot of free workouts on the internet and you can get a great workout from home, we hope you consider supporting the little studios who have a heartbeat for community, showing up, and helping out!  For us, these virtual classes go beyond just a workout! We are here for you to help get you past your fears of the technology barrier!  We want to continue to be a source on information and the bests workouts for years to come!

In Strength and Confidence,


5 Vegetable in Season that Help Boost Immunity

5 Vegetables in Season that Help Boost Immunity

When you choose your fruits and vegetables, do you shop for what’s in season? If you shop at the grocery store, there’s a much wider variety, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in season. One way to know what’s in season? Buy local! We are all about the benefits of buying local and meal planning around what is in season! Not only are there so many perks for your health, it keeps you from cooking the same meals over and over throughout the year! Today, we’re talking about five vegetables in season that help boost immunity!


Have you ever heard, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, it’s true! They contain a flavonol called quercetin, which is a subcategory of Flavonoids, known for their antioxidants, which have been shown to significantly reduce inflammation while boosting the immune system.

Where can it fall in your day? Have some apple slices with cinnamon sprinkled on them for breakfast, eat it as a snack with a tbsp of peanut butter, or have it with your lunch!

Bell Peppers

No matter what color, they are high in Vitamin C. We’ve heard over and over again to consume vitamin C to keep us healthy and peppers are such a great way to get our immune boosting nutrients! They add flavor to anything you cook them with. Yellow and red peppers typically have more nutrient content than green, so try them out and add extra color to your meals! 


Broad category, I know.. Right now, there are most likely blackberries and blueberries at your local market. Grab them and grab them fast! Did you know that berries are the second category, herbs being the first, packed with the highest antioxidant content? These antioxidants help support our natural killer cells, a type of white blood cell, that fight against viruses. 


The vitamin A in carrots not only boosts immunity, but it also supports the health of the skin and linings of the mouth, the GI tract, and the lungs. You can use the greens on the carrots for your salads or add them to your smoothies to get the most out of this vegetable!

Sweet Potatoes

This starchy root vegetable is a pretty well rounded source when it comes to vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This is beneficial because sweet potatoes not only can aid in boosting your immune system, but their fiber content helps keep your digestive system healthy as well. Dr. Josh Axe says, “Your immune system is most greatly affected by your digestive system.” So, eat your sweet potatoes however you’d like and know that they are not only fueling you with energy, but they are keeping your internal systems in check! 

Now, more than ever, nutrition is so important. We hope this article is a catalyst to get creative with your grocery shopping and your meal planning and to educate yourselves on what you’re putting into your body and where it’s coming from.  Try any or all of the five vegetables in season that boost immunity.

Extra Notes:

  • If you want to know more about the seasons that certain vegetables grow in, click here.
  • If you want to know more benefits of eating seasonal produce, you can find our blog post on 3 Reasons to Eat Seasonally, here
  • If you want to know more about fueling your body and boosting your immunity, check out our nutrition plan, packed full of recipes and more information about leading a healthy and happy lifestyle!


In Strength and Confidence,
